DB Schenker revenues increased by 2.3% in H1 2019

DB Group reported its half-year results with total Group revenues of €21.8bn, up 12.2% compared with the same period in 2020.

Deutsche Bahn AG has announced its H1 2019 results, its revenues reached €22bn, a 2.2% increase on the same period in 2018. Almost all business units made a contribution. EBIT fell by 22.3% to €757m compared with €974m of H1 2018. It has been attributed to strains from quality improvement and digitalisation measures as well as cost increases, especially in Germany. EBITDA increased by 10% to €2.5bn from €2.3bn in H1 2018.

In terms of external revenues, DB Schenker was the best performing business unit for H1 2019. Revenues increased by 2.3% to €8.5bn from €8.3bn in the same period of 2018. DB Schenker witnessed predominantly positive performance development in the freight forwarding and logistics business. Land Transport shipments increased from 52.5m to 53.9m, or 2.5%. Its Ocean Freight segment saw a 2.6% increase in TEUs, whilst Contract Logistics generated €1.4bn, up from €1.3bn (7.2%) in the same period of 2018. Air Freight did not perform as well with tonnage decreasing by 10.9% to 5.8m tonnes, from 6.5m in H1 2018.

DB Schenker’s EBITDA increased by 58.9% to €499m from €314m. The key impact factors are listed as; volume development, IFRS 16 effects and cost management. Quality measures and additional cost strains have impacted EBIT development, although DB Schenker saw an increase of 10.2% to €238m due to increase in revenues and cost management.

Deutsche Bahn commented that its structure has remained stable when compared to H1 2018 and has reached its predicted targets for H1 2019.

Source: Deutsche Bahn AG