CTT’s FY 2018 revenue grew by 1.4%

CTT- Correios De Portugal’s revenues increased by 1.4% in 2018 to reach €708.0m.

The Mail division totalled €531.9m, a 0.8% growth versus 2017.

Express & Parcels growth dynamics continued, and its revenues increased 12.3% to reach €151.2m.

EBITDA stood at €90.4m (+0.6%) with a margin of 12.8% in 2018. This was due to the Mail (+€8.4m) and the Express & Parcels (+€1.9m) performances.

Revenues in the Express Portugal division stood at €90.6m, +14.8% versus the previous year. Transporta contributed €13.8m to these revenues. Revenues in Spain totalled €55.3m, up 8.1% compared to 2017.

Source: CTT