CMA CGM Group commits to a more sustainable French shipping industry


During the Assises de l’Économie de la Mer conference, an annual event for the shipping industry in France, the CMA CGM Group reaffirms its commitment to developing a decarbonized and competitive French maritime industry.

To achieve its goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, the CMA CGM Group announced the creation of an Energy Fund in September. With 1.5b euros to be endowed over five years, the fund aims to support the industrial production of new decarbonized sources of energy and the development of low-consumption, high-efficiency solutions across all the Group’s activities.

CMA CGM will dedicate 200m euros of the budget to projects led by French shipping and port industry organizations. It will launch a dedicated centre for projects in January 2023 which aims to support initiatives & accelerate the pace of the energy transition across the entire shipping and port industry in France. By taking this initiative, CMA CGM will play its part & contribute to new innovation-led projects for the decarbonized French shipping industry.

In addition, the CMA CGM Group wants to develop the French-flagged fleet and make it a shining example of embracing the energy transition. To achieve this, the Group is making a commitment to the École Nationale Supérieure Maritime (ENSM), which trains future French officers, so it can increase the size of its intake and support the training of student officers to meet the challenges of the future – the energy transition and digital technology.
The launch of TANGRAM, the Group’s excellence and innovation training centre due to open in 2023 next to the current site of the Marseille ENSM will also pave the way for more partnerships.

Source: CMA CGM