SEUR frío service grows by 23% in 2022 vs 2021

SEUR, the leading express delivery company in Spain, has registered a significant growth of 23% in its temperature-controlled shipping solution, SEUR frío, in 2022 compared to the previous year. This growth has strengthened SEUR frío as one of the company’s strategic pillars and has made it one of the most demanded services by customers, particularly since the beginning of the pandemic. The temperature-controlled transport service has experienced a remarkable expansion of its customer base and an increasing demand. SEUR frío has increased its volume of refrigerated shipments to 6,000 per day by 2022, compared to 3,000 per day before the pandemic. The company’s fleet of refrigerated vehicles now exceeds 400, and specialized vehicles are fully prepared to provide this service to their customers.

SEUR Frío is mainly focused on fresh food, particularly meat products, followed by fish and seafood, prepared meals, cheese, dairy products, pasteurized beverages, and processed products. To develop the full potential of this solution, SEUR has invested one million euros in implementing an innovative system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) that guarantees temperature traceability from the moment of collection to delivery. The company has installed more than 2,000 temperature measurement devices with NB-IoT technology in all refrigerated goods loading units, including in delivery vehicles, around one hundred cold chambers belonging to the SEUR network and over 500 ATP-certified containers.

SEUR frío has received the prestigious ISO 23412 certification from AENOR, making it the first temperature-controlled shipping solution to achieve this in Spain. The company’s management excellence and continuous improvement efforts in this line of service have been recognized with this accreditation. With its recent certification and solid track record, SEUR frío is ready to maintain its position as the benchmark temperature-controlled transport solution in Spain.
