
Gain a 360-degree view of Kuehne+Nagel and make more informed decisions for your company.

This Profile Report will empower users to assess Kuehne+Nagel‘s

  • Operational and financial performance
  • Investments in technology and digitalisation
  • Exposure to verticals
  • Company performance in various logistics markets
  • Sustainability initiatives, targets and progress towards targets
  • Kuehne+Nagel’s strategic outlook


Included in this Report:

What factors are shaping the company’s growth prospect?

  • Access detailed analysis of the company’s operational and financial performance.

What is the company’s financial position?

  • Access detailed financial performance analysis by segment and identify which segments and markets are most profitable for the company.

What is driving the company’s success?

  • Get a better understanding of the company’s network, service offering across various logistics markets, exposure to vertical sectors and technology offering.

How is the company leveraging technologies to drive growth?

  • Get insights into company’s approach to digital transformation and its plans for leverage technologies to achieve its objectives.

Which vertical sectors does the company specialise in?

  • The report assesses the company’s strategies and service offering in various industries including automotive, chemical, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, etc.

What is the company’s sustainability strategy?

  • Get a better understanding of the company’s sustainability strategy, targets and emissions.

What is the company’s M&A strategy?

  • Get an overview of merger and acquisition deals segmented by region/country, logistics market and industry.

What are the company’s major clients?

  • Get access to a detailed list of major contracts with shippers, segmented by region/country, industry and logistics market.

What is the company’s potential future performance?

  • Get an insight into the strategic plans and goals of the company and the actions it plans to take to get there. 


This Profile Report will empower users to:

  • Make informed decisions
  • Track company finances
  • Analyse strategic and operational development (including volumes, market presence, network expansions etc.)
  • Monitor M&A activity

This Profile Report will empower users to:

  • Make informed decisions
  • Track company finances
  • Analyse strategic and operational development (including volumes, market presence, network expansions etc.)
  • Monitor M&A activity

When you purchase this report, you will receive a downloadable file within 24 hours, this is to ensure the most up to date information is included.


About Kuehne+Nagel

Kuehne + Nagel (K + N) is a freight forwarding and logistics group,  headquartered in Switzerland,  with operations located throughout the world. 

Its main business is in the sea freight, air freight and contract logistics sectors, with a focus on providing IT-based Supply Chain Management Services. It also offers overland transportation, as well as warehousing and distribution. 

Kuehne + Nagel International AG is the ultimate holding company of Kuehne + Nagel. Kuehne Holding AG is wholly owned by the grandson of the company's founder, who owns 53.3% of Kuehne + Nagel International AG. 

In 2023, Kuehne + Nagel’s net turnover amounted to CHF23.8bn, representing a decrease of 39.5% compared to 2022.